Friday, January 30, 2009

You Gotta Have Friends

I'm no comedian, in fact I'm pretty dry, but I think I can hold my own when it comes to humor, quick wit, and the occasional stinger (when/if provoked). I'm usually pretty original, too. Sometimes, though, there are just no better words than those of my 'friends': Ross, Rachel, Monica, Joey, Chandler, and Phoebe. And believe you me, I don't hesitate to quote them verbatim. I swear, almost every funny and outlandish thing that happens in life can be referenced back to an episode of, in my opinion, the best sitcom ever. Even the most routine, stupid, inconsequential thoughts that go through your head have probably been the topic of conversation while at Central Perk. I think back, a couple of years ago, my best friend and I attempted to move a 7-foot, gazillion-pound armoire up the steps to her foyer, all the while barely moving an inch at a time because we were too busy laughing and yelling, 'pivot!'. Thanks Ross, Chandler, and Rachel for that memory. I can't count how many times I've used Joey's line, 'how you doin'?', or intentionally air-quoted the wrong phrase. That one gets a giggle out of me every time! The most recent reference, however, has been with regards to the fashion craze of knee boots worn with everything - jeans, skirts, shorts, sweat pants, lingerie, etc. etc. The epi where Monica buys the expensive boots, claims that she'll wear them with everything, then ends up nearly being crippled by them? Hilarious! And the episodes, now that I think about it, were always appropriately titled: 'the one where...'. It was as if the writers knew that someday the show would be so darn quotable and made it easy for us to give props to the character who said it. If I had a nickel for every time I said, 'remember the one where...'. Even though Thursday nights have forever been changed, it's a good thing true friendships (and comedy) last forever, even if only in syndication.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Caution: May Cause GI Upset, Headache, Low Self-Esteem...

Have you ever had a hard time accepting a compliment? Someone tells you that you're pretty or smart; that your shoes are fantastic or they love your haircut? We (and by 'we' I mean 'me') try to shrug it off and negate the potential esteem-booster with something like, 'oh, no I'm not', or 'these old things?'. It's not that I'm unappreciative or trying to be snide, but often times compliments are like pills - the bigger they are, the harder they are to take. Case in point. This woman approaches me in a local store, tells me how beautiful I am, how she loves my shoes, hair, scarf, blah, blah, blah. The whole time I'm thinking this conversation is leading to one of three places: (1) she's going to ask me for money (2) she wants me to sign up for something...which is going to cost me money or (3) she's trying to distract me so that she can steal my purse and, you guessed it, take my money. Well, money nor theft was involved in the end, but she did ask, albeit sweetly, if I would be interested in participating in a make-over project she was doing for her cosmetic sales job. Hmmm...okay, does anyone else see the irony here? If I was so 'beautiful' (her word, not mine), then why did I need a make-over? Puzzling, I know. Just goes to show: when given a compliment, swallow it quickly, say 'thank you', and hope like hell it doesn't make you feel worse.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm Bringin' Blogging Back

Ahhh, yes...JT would be so proud of me ripping off his title track, but oh well. New year, new blog and if Timberlake and Timbaland can bring sexy back, then surely I can get this thing up and running once again. No more futile efforts or good intentions - I have a blog to do.